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My research is in theoretical nuclear and particle physics. Particle physics is the study of fundamental elementary particles that ultimately make up the matter and energy in the universe. The early universe was a primordial soup of elementary particles (the Big Bang) such as quarks, leptons, gluons, electroweak gauge bosons, Higgs bosons, and other particles such as dark matter that are yet to be discovered. Their properties and interactions, coupled to General Relativity which describes the dynamics of space-time, help us understand the evolution of the universe from the moment of the Big Bang to the present day where we see more complex structures such as galaxies, stars, and planets.

             Big Bang                           LHC

The Standard Model (SM) model of particle physics is the established theory of the elementary particles that make up ordinary matter and radiation. It gives us the equivalent of a periodic table for elementary particles. However, we know that the SM is not the whole story and even within the SM interesting questions remain. The microscopic properties of dark matter and dark energy, that make up the bulk of the energy budget of the universe, remain largely unknown. Why is there an abundance of matter over antimatter? Are there additional new elementary particles beyond the SM? What role did they play in the early universe? How do quarks and gluons interact to form bound states of nucleons and nuclei? Do the strong, electroweak, and gravitational forces unify? What is the quantum theory of gravity? A host of experiments, across many energy scales, are underway to unravel some of these questions.

                     Standard Model

The major thrust of my research is to develop and apply analytic and computational methods, based on effective field theory (EFT), to study a variety of particle physics phenomena being explored by experiments across the energy spectrum. This effort is complemented by new physics phenomenology and the use of EFT methods to constrain the SM. My work has been relevant to experiments ranging from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to table-top Eotvos tests of the weak equivalence principle of General Relativity.

My work can be roughly categorized into four main areas:

I have tackled physics in high energy colliders like the Tevatron and the LHC, medium energy experiments at facilities like the Jefferson Laboratory (JLAB), and in proposed experiments such as the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) and the next linear collider. EFT methods are essential for taming the immense complexity of the hadronic environment in these experiments. They allow for a systematically improvable and predictive framework for otherwise intractable problems. They facilitate the development of factorization theorems, resummation of large logarithms, and a systematic treatment of power corrections. These ideas in turn allow for precise theoretical calculations of signal and background processes, the development and calculation of new observables to enhance signal to background ratios, precision measurements of Standard Model (SM) and new physics parameters, and a systematic framework for studying Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) in different kinematic regimes. My work also involves detailed comparisons with data and proposing new observables for improved experimental precision and theoretical interpretation. EFT methods also allow for a comprehensive approach, relating signals at the LHC to an array of intermediate and low energy experiments such as the Jefferson Lab program or precision measurements of the neutron electric dipole moment (EDM). Such efforts are essential for ultimately unraveling detailed properties of physics beyond the electroweak scale.